
Gianluigi Guida was invited to say some words in occasion of the 2021 University of Washington School of Law Commencement Ceremony.

Gianluigi Guida was invited to say some words in occasion of the 2021 University of Washington School of Law Commencement Ceremony. He is an Alumnus of the University of Washington, and he graduated in Global Business Law in 2016. Here you may find his thoughts.

By |2021-06-11T11:59:22+02:00June 11th, 2021|Gianluigi Guida|Comments Off on Gianluigi Guida was invited to say some words in occasion of the 2021 University of Washington School of Law Commencement Ceremony.

Tomorrow Gianluigi Guida will be speaker at this workshop on EULA and T&Cs

Tomorrow Gianluigi Guida will be speaker at this workshop on EULA and T&Cs for videogames implementing blockchain tecnologies. Our Law Firm is partner of the BGA (Blockchain Game Alliance), an organization committed to promoting blockchain within the video game industry. We support video games companies with the new legal issues surrounding the use of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and [...]

By |2021-06-03T17:51:22+02:00June 3rd, 2021|Corporate Commercial, Gianluigi Guida, Videogames|Comments Off on Tomorrow Gianluigi Guida will be speaker at this workshop on EULA and T&Cs

Non-fungible tokens and Intellectual Property: are we protecting our rights? 

Non-fungible tokens and Intellectual Property: are we protecting our rights?  Gianluigi Guida at the Cutting-edge Games Conference  explained what the legal issues of the NFTs are and the possible solutions to protect in-game creations. In particular, it is necessary to set out clear rules in the EULAs and allocate Intellectual Property rights among the company and the [...]

By |2021-02-16T10:03:11+01:00December 12th, 2020|Gianluigi Guida, Videogames|Comments Off on Non-fungible tokens and Intellectual Property: are we protecting our rights? 

Gianluigi Guida at the Blockchain Italia Forum 2020

Our Name Partner Gianluigi Guida gave his contribution to the third edition of the Blockchain Italia Forum 2020, which was for the first time streamed online and followed by over 2500 users. The event saw 55 speakers, among the top Italian and international experts in blockchain and digital innovation, participate in 9 thematic panels. Enthusiastic about the [...]

By |2021-02-16T10:03:19+01:00December 5th, 2020|Fintech, Gianluigi Guida, Videogames|Comments Off on Gianluigi Guida at the Blockchain Italia Forum 2020

Intervista all’Avv. Gianluigi Guida su Intelligenza Artificiale e Diritto

L'Avv. Gianluigi Guida è stato intervistato dal Dott. Antonio Simeone sulla delicata tematica dell'Intelligenza Artificiale ed i regimi di responsabilità. Di seguito, il testo dell'intervista (che è possibile consultare anche a questo link) Come governare l’opacità intrinseca dell’intelligenza artificiale per evitare errori e rischi. Combinare scienza, innovazione e tecnologia con il diritto è davvero possibile? Lo abbiamo [...]

By |2021-02-16T10:03:42+01:00August 19th, 2020|Blog, Fintech, Gianluigi Guida|Comments Off on Intervista all’Avv. Gianluigi Guida su Intelligenza Artificiale e Diritto
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