
Tomorrow Gianluigi Guida will be speaker at this workshop on EULA and T&Cs

Tomorrow Gianluigi Guida will be speaker at this workshop on EULA and T&Cs for videogames implementing blockchain tecnologies. Our Law Firm is partner of the BGA (Blockchain Game Alliance), an organization committed to promoting blockchain within the video game industry. We support video games companies with the new legal issues surrounding the use of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and [...]

By |2021-06-03T17:51:22+02:00June 3rd, 2021|Corporate Commercial, Gianluigi Guida, Videogames|Comments Off on Tomorrow Gianluigi Guida will be speaker at this workshop on EULA and T&Cs

Voucher 3I- Investing in Innovation

The strategic partnership between Di Pardo Law Firm and Guida Law Firm Guida Law Firm and Di Pardo Law Firm together in Voucher 3I - Investing in Innovation, the incentive for innovative startups, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, which finances the purchase of legal consultancy services for the patentability of inventions. A free opportunity for [...]

By |2021-02-16T10:04:03+01:00July 27th, 2020|Corporate Commercial|Comments Off on Voucher 3I- Investing in Innovation

Remarks on FinTech Public Consultation

Guida Law Firm has recently published its remarks to the Public Consultation on FinTech opened by the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Italy. The Document is available here. Gianluigi Guida is available for any question. Here is possibile to read the official Public Consultation documentation.

By |2021-02-16T10:04:19+01:00April 1st, 2020|Corporate Commercial, Gianluigi Guida|Comments Off on Remarks on FinTech Public Consultation
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